iPod Touch App ported to Zune HD in only 12 hours!

Foundation42, a game and application developer for the iPhone, ZuneHD and Windows Mobile platforms is currently working on a game called “WordMonger”.

This is our game WordMonger that we are making for iPhone and Zune HD. We built it over the last few weeks using the new MonoTouch toolkit on the Mac. Yesterday we ported it to the Zune HD in 12 hours! We are really hoping that Microsoft can provide a way to publish third party games on the Zune app store soon.

- Foundation42


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  1. I think that the real Zune App store will come sooner later than later. It's inevitable. Considering Zune HD is a major sellout.


  2. I thought they meant "sell out" in a negative way :)

  3. and there will be gnashing of teeth from the Apple camp!!!!! hahahahaha....

  4. indeed zune apps marketplace is ready on the software altho' now it only offers 9 apps i bet there are more to come ,considering that it seem that the HD is Sold out in most retail stores in US

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