Play SNES Games on your iPad using an iPod Touch controller

Do you miss you old Super Nintendo games? Do you happen to have an iPad and a spare iPod Touch or iPhone as well? Lucky you, there’s an app for that!

SNES HD is a Super Nintendo emulator for the iPad that has a corresponding app for your iPod Touch of iPhone to stand as the controller (you just need to have a jailbroken device.)

Here are steps to install the SNES HD emulator on your iPad:

  1. Jailbreak your device. Read this guide for the how-to’s
  2. Open Cydia and then add this source to your iPad and iPod Touch/iPhone:
  3. Install SNED HD on your iPad.
  4. Install Control Pad on your iPod Touch or iPhone.
  5. Next, find available ROMS on the internet. You could start here.
  6. Copy the ROMS to your iPad in this directory /var/mobile/Media using iPhone Browser.
  7. Turn Bluetooth on on both devices and then load your selected ROM. Pair the controller to your iPad
  8. Game on!!

From my experience, I had a hard time using my iPod Touch to control what's going on the iPad because I can’t feel any buttons. When playing your eyes should, of course, focus on the iPad for the gameplay but the lack of physical buttons makes it hard to look at both devices at the same time just to sync movements. If this method is not your type. You can try another way using a Wii controller in exchange for the iPod/iPhone.

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