Zune Masters no more

Photo Credit from footeking of Flickr

As you know, the Zune Masters program officially concluded at the end of June and we wanted to take this time to thank you for a fantastic job spreading the word about Zune and we hope you'll continue to keep up-to-date on future Zune products and events via other Zune/Microsoft sites, like Zune.net or zuneinsider.com. Thanks for being a part of Zune Masters! Sincerely, Zune Masters Staff

- http://zunemasters.com/

The Zune Street marketing gimmick ended quietly last June, so quiet that zune blogger just found it recently. It didn't have a chance to reach our shores but i still think it wouldn't have been effective and really that beneficial here. I mean, giving free stuff and hoping student promote Zune's in DLSU, Ateneo or UP or on their own parties?..Nahh..

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