Android Collectible from Google IO 2013

I have been posting a lot of stuff, mostly toy collectibles, on Instagram that I have neglected to cross-post it here. So people following both might see old shots brought up again :)

I have been collecting Androids for a while now and have dozens of them displayed in my work area. I haven’t really grouped them for a collection picture yet but have shared most of them on my personal accounts so will try to post it here in the coming days.

Anyway, Google gave away these limited edition Androids along with a shirt and a Chromebook Pixel last May for their 2013 I/O Event for developers. Luckily, I have a friend who has a brother working for Google. He was kind enough to request one for me. Good guy :)

These special edition is so rare and coveted that it’s been selling for more than $150 (6,500 pesos) on eBay, kinda crazy if you ask me.

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